This story was first published in the RCSA newsroom.
Research Corporation for Science Advancement has chosen four accomplished researchers to receive its Cottrell Plus SEED (Singular Exceptional Endeavors of Discovery) Awards for 2023.
The competitive SEED Awards offer Cottrell Scholars the opportunity to start high-risk, high-reward new research or educational activities, granting $50,000 for research projects or $25,000 for educational projects. All of the 2023 awards are for research.
“These awards offer established teacher-scholars a chance to open up new lines of research,” said Senior Program Director Silvia Ronco. “Their creative new projects have the potential to generate some high-impact science.”
SEED accepts chemistry proposals from Cottrell Scholars in even-numbered years, and physics and astronomy proposals in odd-numbered years.
Since 1994, the Cottrell Scholar program has honored and helped to develop outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their potential for academic leadership.
The SEED Award is among a suite of Cottrell Plus Awards offered to support Cottrell Scholars at various stages throughout their careers.
Recipients of RCSA’s 2023 SEED Awards are:
Tamara Bogdanović, CS 2016, Georgia Institute of Technology
Risk and Rewards: Pushing Boundaries with RMHD Simulations of Multimessenger Massive Black Hole Binaries
Henriette Elvang, CS 2013, University of Michigan
Pushing Boundaries: Unitarity and Coupling Renormalization
Mary Putman, CS 2007, Columbia University
Mapping Magnetic Fields with Atomic Filaments in Nearby Galaxies
Sergei Urazhdin, CS 2008, Emory University
Are Correlated Metals Failed Superconductors?
For More Information Contact
Jess Hunt-Ralston
Director of Communications
College of Sciences at Georgia Tech