Regents Professors and Researchers

Each year, academic deans are invited to nominate up to two academic faculty members to be considered as a Regents Professor and up to one research faculty member for Regents Researcher. The executive director of GTRI may nominate up to two research faculty members for consideration of Regents Researcher. Learn more here.

Academic Faculty Nomination to Regents Professor


How the Regents Professor Nomination process works

Regents Professor Nominations are handled separately from the RPT process.

Regents Professorships are granted by the Board of Regents to outstanding tenured, full professors, based on excellence in research and contributions to their profession and to Georgia Tech. School chairs are asked to nominate a full, tenured professor. For more information, visit the Board of Regents Policy Manual.

A college committee consisting of Regents or other chaired professors, as recommended by the school chairs, will review the candidates’ packages and make recommendations to the dean, who will then review the documentation, select candidates, and forward their recommendations to the Provost. 

Process and Package Contents for Regents Professor

  1. Nominee’s current CV. GT format for CV recommended but not required. (provided by nominee to school chair)
  2. One paragraph biographical sketch (provided by nominee to school chair)
  3. Nomination letter from the school chair to the dean   (provided by school chair)
  4. Letter of recommendation from the College Regents Committee to the dean (about December/January)
  5. Dean’s letter of recommendation to the Provost (early/mid January)
  6. The Institute Regents’ Professor Nomination Committee, comprised of Regents Professors or other chaired professors as recommended by the college deans, meets to review the nominations and will forward their recommendations to the President. The President sends the packages of the selected nominees to the Board of Regents. The nominee must receive a unanimous recommendation from the Institute Regents' Committee and the President before the nomination will be transmitted to the Board of Regents.

Decisions for Regents Professor Nominations

The decision of the Board of Regents is sent to Office of the Provost (Faculty Affairs). Faculty Affairs then informs the dean of the outcome (about April). The dean will notify the school chair and the selected candidate.

College of Sciences: Current and Past Regents Professors

Listing updated September 2022.

August 2022: Tech Faculty Tapped for Regents' Awards.

August 2021: 12 Georgia Tech Faculty Members Receive Regents Recognition.

April 2020: The College of Sciences remembers Regents Professor Robin Thomas.