Get Help
Audio/Visual (A/V) Classrooms and Conference Rooms
Supported by GT'sAdmin Service Center (ASC) A/V Team
Open a request or (404) 385-1111 A/V system Getting Started Guide (PDF)

College of Sciences (CoS) Academic and Research Computer Services (ARCS) or (404) 894-1309
Please include the computer name/tag and location if relevant.
A quick resource list for getting started with IT in Fall 2024
For Support of Hardware and Software provided by the Schools and College of Sciences
What this does:
- Creates a ticket with subject [gtrt #xxxxxx]
- Tracks issues so the team can respond
- Helpful details to include:
- Computer name, serial number, or asset tag
- Where you are located and if in-person support is needed
- Screenshot for software errors
The Scope of Services ARCS provides
For Campus-level or licensed services
General Campus Support and FAQs
Classroom Support and Conference Room Audiovisual (AV)
General classroom and AV support is provided by
- For in-class urgent requests call 404-385-1111
- AV Services request form
- AV Training request form
- Getting Started Guide
Campus-provided Resources
- Wifi – eduroam – Use
- VPN – Global Protect client –
- Cloud storage – OneDrive, SharePoint, Box, Dropbox
- Online Meetings (links require GT login) – MS Teams, Zoom
- Virtual Lab (v-lab) – – College provided/managed instance: CoS-GPU
- PACE High Performance computing
- Request access via PI then email
- $68 –credit per month (10,000 hours on base HPC nodes)
- Backfill queue - free
- Canvas Support - GT Digital Learning Support Team
Your Georgia Tech Account
You have a single username and password which is used for almost all campus services.
Your initial password is generated randomly, and you must change it within 24 hours. Once changed, it will work on all our platforms (Linux, Mac, and Windows).
Duo 2-Factor Authentication
Georgia Tech uses two-factor authentication to protect your account and the Georgia Tech network. Two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA, is an added layer of security that requires your username and password along with an additional confirmation. Most users use the free Duo Mobile smart phone application, but if you do not have a smart phone, other options are available.
You can manage your password, 2FA, and your campus email aliases at
You must abide by all Institute policies. For further details see
Note that user accounts are for individual use only and passwords are not to be revealed to anyone, including us. Do not allow another person to use your account. If campus detects that your account is in use by more than one person, it will be immediately suspended without warning.
If you would like help sharing data, please contact CoS ARCS at
Guest accounts can be created at
Office365 —
Web mail is the only method Microsoft will support.
- Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac Mail work, but are not officially supported
- Setup Thunderbird and Mac Mail with the email address you want recipients to see as the From address (ie.
Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA)
Do not transmit personal (your's or students') information via email. Email is public record and subject to open records act requests.
Traveling with a GT Laptop & Data
Follow GT Cyber Security Travel Tips
In general, when preparing to travel:
- Apply all software patches and updates
- Remove any student, proprietary, institute and/or personal data from the laptop
- Save your data to a GT fileserver or cloud service (OneDrive or Dropbox) and access it remotely
For international travel that requires a "clean laptop", you may contact ARCS for availability
College Provided Computers
State funded full time Faculty and Staff are eligible for a Tech Refresh system.
- COS Technology Refresh program Overview
- Windows or Mac laptop
- Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse
Research funded individuals:
- Must use research funds to purchase a system to meet the needs of the research
- Provide funding source (GRxxxxx or DExxxxxx) to charge in a request to
- Provide general specifications needed, and we will work with you to get quotes from our approved vendors (Dell, Lenovo, Apple)
Departmental copiers
- Small to medium print jobs – not recommended for printing textbooks
- Can print PDFs from USB
If you need to print an exam or large print job, utilize Central Printing. Please work with your school admin office for payment & delivery.
Paper and Clay for low-cost, large format printing
Library Print Studio for walk-up poster printing.